Comment connaître sa taille de soutien-gorge après une chirurgie mammaire ?

After performing breast surgery, many women are eager to be able to wear bras fitted to their new breasts. They are also looking for suitable post-operative lingerie, which benefits from a greater restraint and a firm hold. However, several aspects are to be known before purchasing lingerie after surgery.


What to know about wearing bras after breast implants :

After breast augmentation, surgeons give specific instructions to follow after the procedure and indicate the type of bra to wear. Most doctors recommend specific post-operative bras to reduce edema and prevent mobility of implants during the recovery period.

After breast surgery, it is not recommended to wear lingerie with traditional frames during the months following the surgery. This could have a negative impact on tissue resorption and acceptance of implants by your body.

Once the body has healed and the purchase of a new adapted lingerie is coming, it is important to know the new size of your chest.

Even if you’ve probably asked your surgeon for a particular size, the size of your implant and the size of your bra may be different. Implants can be wider and more curved than natural breasts, so it’s up to you to find the most flattering fit.


The bra after the postop :

Patients with implants can sometimes find it difficult to find a bra that fits their new figure.

The Embody Councils

The bust circumference: the size of your bust circumference determines the bra size. To determine your bust circumference, you simply need a tape measure placed under your chest.

Chest circumference: It is important to measure your chest after the post-operative period. Place the tape measure horizontally on the tip of your breasts, without tightening. Now that you know your cup size, you can start looking for the perfect bra.

How to know your bra size after breast surgery? Bra size guide

The shape of the bra: choosing the ideal shape is essential to get the neckline of your dreams. If you wear a bra that doesn’t fit your new chest, it could make your breasts less harmonious.

The brand: Not all lingerie brands provide the comfort and support needed after breast surgery. If you consider that the style of your bra is as important as its comfort, turn to specialized brands offering quality products.

Finding the ideal bra for breasts with implants requires knowing its size and finding THE brand that will accompany you every day. 

Gynecomastia: definition and advice

The gynecomastia cure is an increasingly practiced plastic surgery operation. It consists in correcting the hypertrophy of the chest in humans by means of liposuction. How do I know if I am subject to gynecomastia? What are the symptoms? The causes? Is surgery always suitable?

What is gynecomastia?

We speak of gynecomastia when the mammary glands are enlarged in men. This defect gives the appearance of a female chest and can be very disabling for the man.

Gynecomastia most often appears in adolescence but disappears after this period rich in hormonal growth. When this is not the case, a hormonal disorder is often involved (decrease in testosterone or increase in estrogen)

Gynecomastia can appear on a single breast (we speak of unilateral gynecomastia) or on both (bilateral gynecomastia). Despite appearances, the first type of gynecomastia is very common; more than 50% of men suffering from gynecomastia.

Unilateral gynecomastia can either be linked to cancer or to a hormonal abnormality (abnormality of prolactin secretion or ostrogenic secretion of a testicular tumor). Some types of medicines may also be the cause (diltiazem, ciclosporine or pregabalin for example). Sometimes unilateral gynecomastia can initiate bilateral gynecomastia.

The latter can also find its source in a hormonal disorder or some excipients of drugs. Note that bilateral gynecomastia does not necessarily rhyme with symmetry; it happens that the man’s breasts have neither the same size, nor the same shape.


How to detect gynecomastia? What are the causes?

To see if you are prone to gynecomastia, the doctor will examine you lying down with your hands behind the neck. He will try to verify the existence of a protruding mass around the nipple. It won’t hurt you, don’t worry.

In order to really detect gynecomastia, it is also important to examine the testicles, if they are atrophied (case of hypogonadism) or protuberant (presence of a tumor). Gynecomastia may also be due to liver or thyroid disease so it should be examined to rule out any possibility.

After these steps, a hormonal assessment and then a mammogram are performed.

These final reviews of the process are crucial to rule out (or deny) any possible endocrine disorders, or other.


The letter carriers

As detailed previously, the causes likely to cause gynecomastia are numerous.

Gynecomastia may be due to hormonal disruption (hypogonadism or hyperprolactinemia)

It can also be linked to a regular intake of drugs whose excipients act on the mammary glands, note for example drugs such as certain antibiotics (Metronidazole, Ethionamide, Isoniazide, etc.) or psychotropic or psychotropic (tricyclic antidepressants, Phenothiazines, Diazepam, Haloperidol). Note that this may be the case for some anti-androgens, anti-HIV treatments or antihypertensives

Moreover other treatments can cause gynecomastia in men. This is the case of growth hormones, steroids, estrogens or androgens.

Hormonal dysfunctions leading to breast growth in humans may also be related to hepatic cirrhosis or hyperthyroidism

As a reminder, some forms of cancer are also involved: cancer of the testicles, kidney, stomach, lung or liver, for example.

Finally, certain substances harmful to the body can cause breast enlargement in humans; methadone, cannabis, alcohol, heroin or amphetamines, among others.


The diseases involved

Some diseases may prove to be a factor leading to gynecomastia; kidney disease, liver, thyroid or some hormonal deficiencies.

Also, some rare syndromes (such as Klinefelter syndrome or Addison’s disease, acromegaly are to be pointed out.

What about nature?

Yes, sometimes the only one to blame is our dear Mother Nature! For example, infants are very often born with mild gynecomastia (due to increased estrogen produced by the placenta).

Hormonal variations in adolescence sometimes lead to mild gynecomastia as well.

Middle-aged men are no exception; half of men over the age of 50 report being prone to breast enlargement, and of course this figure increases with the years.

Naturally, weight gain remains the main factor driving gynecomastia. This type of gynecomastia is said to be «essential».

Watch out for these gentlemen addicted to the gym: strength training is not trivial! It can sometimes exaggerate the hypertrophy of the man’s breasts, especially when he tries to multiply exercises aimed at muscling the pectorals.


How to overcome gynecomastia

First and logically, it is necessary to tackle the cause: try to find an alternative treatment to the drug(s) causing it or instead adopt a hormonal treatment in case of disorder or disorder, or, of course, stop taking too much alcohol or illegal substances.

If all arrangements to treat gynecomastia are made but it persists, surgery may be considered.

This procedure takes place under general anaesthesia, often on an outpatient basis.

The surgeon will perform the total removal of excess tissue, either excess fat, gland or even skin if necessary (in case of significant hypertrophy, or non-aggressive skin)

The surgeon will also perform liposuction of the fatty tissues.

The scar is discreet. It is most often peri-areolar, but can sometimes be prolonged, especially when the skin is removed in quantity. So it can also go under the breast, towards the armpits or the sternum.


Is the procedure painful?

Rest assured, the operation is generally painless, especially thanks to the painkillers that will be prescribed to you afterwards.

However, as a precaution, we advise you to allow a work stoppage of a few weeks for the post-operative period.

Healing is a delicate period, it is necessary to avoid physical exertion, brutal movements or strain the pectorals in any way.

It is commonly accepted that the resumption of sports activities must take place after 2 months.

To relieve post-operative pain, ensure proper maintenance and promote tissue reconstruction it is recommended to wear a compression vest after surgery. It is worn day and night (so predicting is very useful) for nearly 3 months.

The quality of this garment is not to be neglected; not only will it guarantee the good result of the operation, but it will relieve pain after operation.

Gynecomastia being considered a real disease, its intervention is partly covered by the Primary Health Insurance Fund. However, we invite you to provide for certain fee overruns and associated costs.

Everything you need to know about gluteal augmentation: implant or fat transfer?IMPLANTS MAMMAIRES OU LIFTING DES SEINS : QUE CHOISIR ?

When we talk about “cosmetic surgery” or “plastic surgery”, we often think about breast augmentation. And rightly so since breast augmentation has long been the most common plastic surgery procedure. But what solutions do you have when you don’t like your breasts (whether it’s a matter of shape, size or falling breasts)? What type of intervention is done for you?

Several options are possible and largely depend on the outcome you want to achieve. The two most common operations are breast augmentation and breast lifting. It is during the first consultation with your surgeon that he will direct you to the option that corresponds to your expectations and the expected result. In the meantime, here is the beginning of a response to understand what is best for you.

Breast implants: what you need to know

Would you like to have a more opulent chest? If the answer is yes, then breast augmentation is the operation that suits you. Before embarking on this procedure, several subjects must be explored: placement of the incision, the size and shape of the implant, the type of implants and the risks associated with the procedure.

Incision and position of the implant: the three most commonly accepted incisions for breast augmentation are: the submammary incision (under the breast fold), axilial (at the armpits) or peri-areolar (around the nipple). Each incision route has its advantages and disadvantages and makes it possible to envisage an operation adapted to each patient.

Size and shape of the implant: Again, there are several options. You have to take into account the size of your rib cage and your bust, how you stand, but also more generally your lifestyle, your physiology and of course the desired result. Your plastic surgeon will guide you in the best way, he will advise you the size and shape that will suit you best and will make you happy. Patients are generally advised not to go beyond two additional cup sizes, as this could drastically change your appearance or even look. You probably don’t want the only thing you notice about you are your breasts!

Types of implants: You can choose between silicone or saline implants depending on the results you want and your morphology.

  • Silicone implants are known to be more invasive and require a wider incision. But they are ideal for patients starting from a small breast base and have a more natural feel.
  • Physiological serum implants are recommended for patients with a satisfactory base because they add volume without necessarily feeling to the touch.

Whatever happens, these two types of implants must be changed every 10 to 15 years. The choice of breast prosthesis before breast enlargement is a crucial step and a thorough exchange with your surgeon will allow him to orient you to the size, shape and type that best suit your morphology as well as your expectations.

Breast lift: what you need to know

The loss of chest volume often leads to a ptosis (what is commonly called «the falling breasts»). The breast ptease usually appears with age, but also sometimes following repeated weight variations or after pregnancy. A breast lift will help you to correct this effect of falling breasts by redrawing them in a volumic way.

There is a simple test to determine if you have breast ptease; this is the pen test. Place a pen under the fold of your breast, as high as you can. If the pen holds on its own, then you may have a breast ptease.

If your nipple falls under the pen, you most likely have a severe ptosis and are the ideal candidate for a breast lift.

There are three ways for the surgeon to understand the breast lift: the peri-areolar incision, the vertical breast reduction and the inverted T-shaped incision. The peri-areolar pathway follows the natural form of your nipple, it is the recommended route for people with large nipples and a mild ptease.

The vertical incision follows the same route as the periareolar incision, but it continues to extend under the nipple, so it allows a better result. This incision is usually recommended for people with moderate ptosis.

The «inverted T» incision follows the same path as the previous ones except that it also includes an incision under the fold of the breast. This incision is by far the most widespread because it is the one that allows to obtain the best result.

The choice of your incision will depend on the volume of your chest, the elasticity of your skin and of course your degree of ptosis.

So which is better? Breast augmentation or breast lift? And why not both?

Each of these two procedures has a range of advantages and disadvantages. What to remember is that breast augmentation only affects the size and shape of your chest but does not correct falling breasts. It is recommended when you are not satisfied with their volume.

Unlike an increase of the chest, the breast lift focuses on their positioning and will not make you gain volume. The facelift therefore corresponds rather to a correction of the chest when you are satisfied with its volume but less of its aesthetic aspect. Sometimes the facelift is accompanied by an increase of the breasts (with implant), so the breasts regain their former position but also a youthful look.

Making the difficult decision to change the look of your breasts is very personal. All the questions and apprehensions you may have are normal and do not hesitate to share them with your surgeon. He does not only operate on you, he accompanies you throughout this process of change.

Which breast implants to choose: size, shape, advice

In breast augmentation or breast reconstruction, the choice of breast implants is of paramount importance. You will need to adopt the form, envelope and content that will achieve the result that best fits your ideal chest idea.

So no, we won’t tell you everything because the subject is far too broad. And this guide does not aim to tell you what will suit you best: it is your surgeon and he alone who can bring you this personalized advice. On the other hand, with this article you will be able to better understand its explanations, to make a first opinion on the possible prostheses or to decide with full knowledge of the cause.

Which shape to adopt: round or anatomical implant?

No surprise, the shape of the breast prosthesis will greatly contribute to the visual appearance of your new chest. The surgeon will normally offer you two options, round or anatomical, each with its characteristics: more rounded and pronounced necklines for the first, more discreet and natural for the second. After this introduction you may already have an idea of your choice… No hasty conclusion because the latest generation round implants now allow to get closer to the anatomical shape by opting for a moderate projection. It is therefore a set of factors that will determine the most suitable form of prosthesis for your morphology.


The round implant

A round implant brings more volume than a natural breast on the upper part of the chest (since the height is equal to its width) with a result more curved than the average, which is often called an apple shape. The main advantage lies in pronounced necklines, sometimes to the detriment of the natural. It is nevertheless possible to adjust the projection of the breast, that is to say its volume in depth or more concretely what will give the cap, to get closer to a neckline in gentle slope while accentuating the curve of the breast on its lower part.

We thus obtain with a moderate or low projection a compromise between volume on the top of the chest and the bottom, while a strong projection will give a very pigeonnant appearance with a striking cleavage, but a result rather artificial bare breasts. In other words, the round shape accentuates the neckline but, bare breasts, the result seems less and less realistic as you increase the projection and filling.


Be careful, the round shape is perfect for some people and it is really the starting anatomy of the chest and other factors that will determine which shape is most suitable. A round shape adapted to the morphology and with a successful projection gives very good results, usually on already formed breasts, so it is case by case.



In this photo we get closer to the result obtained with implants of round shape and strong projection. The chest seems slightly raised with more volume on the upper part. An effect that can be mitigated with moderate or low projection.

The anatomical implant

Conversely, an anatomical implant gives more volume in the lower breast, to give a pear-like appearance or drop of water. This brings us closer to the natural shape of the chest: the volume is concentrated in the lower part of the prosthesis while the top is more tapered. The neckline is therefore less pronounced but as we can act on three levels it is possible to find interesting compromises.  Just like for round prostheses, the projection will allow to adjust the cap, but this time the surgeon can also act on the height and width of the implant. It is the mix between these three values that will give the desired final appearance. The higher the implant, the softer the slope of the breast, whereas the lower the implant, the more rounded the appearance.



With this anatomical model, the curve of the breast is in all cases positioned on the lower part of the chest. They are often recommended for thin women or women with little breast formation. Disadvantages: there is more risk of rotation and the scar is a little wider (although generally not visible since located in the fold of the breast). But the choice of the envelope significantly reduces this risk as we will see in a minute. They are also slightly more expensive than round breast implants.



Here we get closer to the expected result with anatomical prostheses. The volume is concentrated on the lower part of the chest with a neckline in a gentle slope less pronounced than with a round implant.

In conclusion there is really no form better than the other. Rather, it is considered that this or that shape will achieve such and such a result, but that it is according to the anatomy of the patient, the current shape of her breasts and the desired volume that the round or anatomical shape will be more suitable. The majority of implants used in France are now anatomically shaped, especially because they correspond more to the wishes of patients today.

What content to choose for your breast implants?

Two types of contents are used even if in practice the vast majority of breast surgeons recommend silicone gel today. Authorized since 2001, it now represents the vast majority of breast augmentation in France.

» The silicone gel gives the touch a rather natural appearance and close to an unaltered chest. These implants are often composed of several successive layers for optimum results. The soft silicone gel allows the chest to spread slightly downward when you are standing, and horizontally when you are lying down. If a rupture occurs, the silicone gel, called cohesive, remains compact and does not drain into the body with the latest generation prostheses. On the other hand, it requires regular medical follow-up (about every 5 years) since only the radios will verify that there is no rupture or leakage of silicone: a monitoring is therefore necessary to ensure that the prosthesis is still intact. Other advantages: the risks of folds are lower and their lifespan is at least 10 years (or more: the last generations would be more resistant but the necessary setback to the average lifespan is not enough, so they are essentially forecasts).

» The physiological serum is a liquid made of water and sodium chloride (salt water) and is inserted into the empty breast implant using a small hermetic valve. Frequently used in the 1990s, however, it has many defects: an unnatural touch due to the liquid used and the risk of leakage over time due to wear. In this case, the fluid simply spreads into the body, without risk to the health of the person, but with obvious consequences due to the “deflation” of the prosthesis. This is why they are almost no longer used today, especially since their lifespan is shorter than silicone gel (7-8 years).


Except for exceptions, silicone gel is the best option today, and it is the one that will likely be offered to you automatically.

Wearing a post-operative bra is essential after breast augmentation or reconstruction as it will promote the success of the operation while reducing pain. Embody’s team has been thinking about specially designed breast surgery bras that are both practical and comfortable, but also more aesthetically pleasing to stay feminine in all circumstances.

Why is it necessary to wear a restraining panty after the operation?

During liposuction, abdominoplasty or certain surgical procedures the surgeon frequently recommends wearing a post-operative panty during the weeks following the procedure. These operations are now «banal» and very well mastered by surgeons (liposuction is the most performed cosmetic surgery operation in France after breast augmentation) However, they are inevitably accompanied by small inconveniences during the post-operative period and require a minimum of precautions to be observed.

As the surgeon will explain, the restraining panty, or the sheath in the most localized operations, will serve to perfect the results and limit these inconveniences, but more concretely what exactly is it used for and why is it important to wear it?

In which cases is the panty recommended?

This underwear is regularly recommended in case of liposuction of the belly, hips, thighs and buttocks, for an abdominoplasty, or more generally a surgical operation of these areas as well as knees and calves. It plays essentially a compressive role, but also the protection of the operating area and drainage.

What is the purpose of the compression panty after liposuction or abdominoplasty?

» Reduces edema and swelling after surgery. In the weeks following the procedure, the aspirated fat is naturally replaced by body water to form edema. The operated area thus tends to swell (which is perfectly normal) and the phenomenon even frequently tends to extend to the surrounding body areas. The panty will therefore contain edema and limit swelling thanks to the compression it exerts on the body.

» Similarly, bruising (that is, bruising) is common, as is sometimes a hematoma for 3 weeks or 1 month after surgery. The compression maintained by the post-operative panty will also protect and limit the progression of these bruises on the body.

» To introduce the small cannula that will suck up fat, the surgeon will have to make a small scar of about 2 to 4 mm, usually in an area of the body that is not very visible. This time, the panty protects the scar and facilitates the accommodation of the skin tissue, that is, its healing.

» Compression also plays an analgesic role by keeping the operating area firmly in place, reducing pain.

» Finally, it keeps the operating area compressed uniformly, with a draining effect of blood and fluids, which promotes an optimum result.

To summarize, surgeons agree that the restraint panty will facilitate the surgical follow-up by reducing pain and acting effectively to improve the end result. It is of course above all the dexterity of the surgeon and his experience that guarantee success but the underwear comes in some way to complete his intervention during the post-operative period and perfect the sequel to put all the chances on his side. As part of an abdominoplasty, an abdominal compression sheath will bring the same effects more locally.

How long do you have to wear it?

From 3 weeks to 1 month after liposuction. The first two days you will have to keep it on yourself while taking your shower (a hair dryer will speed up the drying) then you can remove it 1 hour a day the time to wash and clean it at the same time. This is the usual practice and there is no contraindication to remove it during this period of time each day.

In the case of abdominoplasty, wearing the compressive sheath is recommended for 3 weeks, and up to 6 weeks for muscle repair.

How to choose your panty?

The contenseur effect it exerts is probably the most important element so it is essential to choose a suitable size: it is normal that you feel tight when wearing it, it is moreover the objective sought (see the next paragraph). However, since you are going to wear it constantly it is also necessary to have the maximum comfort and for this purpose a model based on elastane fabric or its equivalent Lycra is a real plus because of the elasticity and lightness they provide.

Also make sure that the straps are adjustable so that it fits perfectly to your morphology and that the opening/closing is easily done on the side. Finally, it should not create a striction in the knees, that is to say provide a feeling of excessive tightness that could ligate the area and hinder the blood circulation.

What size post-op panty to choose?

After the surgery, the panty is supposed to have a compressive effect that keeps the area operated so do not take a cut too wide. Too narrow, it will hinder your movements and block breathing. So simply opt for your usual size as the effects of liposuction are not visible immediately after the procedure, so there is no risk of swimming in your new underwear.

It is nevertheless preferable to take your exact measurements to choose the model that best fits your morphology, here is a guide of the sizes to help you choose the model that suits you:

Take the measurements at the widest point of each area of your body and if you are hesitant between two sizes, prefer the smallest: despite the swelling inherent in this operation in the following weeks, Your figure will be slightly refined after the operation and it is imperative that the compression is effective.

Is he reimbursed by social security?

It is rarely reimbursed since liposuction and abdominoplasty are cosmetic surgery. However, if the operation you are considering is more a matter of restorative surgery, social security can cover part of the costs as well as the restraining underwear if it is prescribed by your surgeon as part of his surgery. Attention, to be refunded the garment you buy must be registered on the LPP list, as is the case for example for the Embody body.

Liposuction: prices, techniques and details of the operation

What is liposuction?

Liposuction (or liposuction) occurs when exercise or diets have not been able to overcome the embedded fat (often located in the thighs and buttocks in women, the belly or love handles in men). This common surgical procedure involves sucking fat from a specific area of the body to give it a more aesthetic shape by reducing its volume. It can thus reshape the body by effectively removing excess fat reserves concentrated on certain areas.

It can be done under general anaesthesia (when there are several areas to treat in particular) but it is common for a simple local anaesthesia to suffice with the new methods used. The latter avoids spending the night on the spot and reduces pain during recovery. The aesthetic operation usually lasts 1 to 3 hours.

It is now a well-mastered and frequent operation, however once the operation is performed do not be surprised to see some hematomas on the treated area. They will take several weeks to disappear and are inevitable. The pain is moderate and resembles strong aches for a few days (5-10 days) to disappear completely after several weeks.

During this period of recovery, suitable clothing should be worn. Your surgeon will definitely recommend a medical panty designed for liposuction that will protect the area operated, for at least 4 to 8 weeks.

Does liposuction effectively suppress cellulite?

This is a common mistake, but this surgery has only a moderate or no effect on cellulite. Simply because it is usually located on the superficial layers of the body while liposuction acts rather on the deep fat. In addition, if the skin is not sufficiently firm or elastic, the result will not be satisfactory and the orange skin effect characteristic of cellulite will remain.

If you suffer from fibrous or watery cellulite you will have to turn to other methods, however its effect against fat cellulite may be interesting in some cases, it is worth talking with your surgeon.

What to wear after liposuction?

Wearing a compression panty designed for this kind of aesthetic operation is particularly recommended if you have opted for a sutured-free liposuction so that fluids can be extracted without embarrassment. It ensures in all cases a better drainage of the blood and the remaining liquid, promotes shrinkage of the tissues, limits pain and swelling. It should be kept between 2 weeks and 1 month depending on the operation. The following article explains in detail what a panty is used for and how to choose it.

It is by finding that women felt some discomfort after liposuction and that the brands on the market offered products unsightly, uncomfortable, irritating, Embody has developed a range of comfortable and chic clothes to allow women to feel good after an operation.

What is the price of liposuction?

The fees charged can vary greatly from one surgeon to another, but most of the services are between 3000 and 10000 euros on average depending on the area and the country. The bill will of course be higher if the intervention is very substantial. In general, it is necessary to count from 1500 to 2000 euros for a treated area, around 3000 euros for two areas then count 500 euros more per additional area.

When do we see the final effects of this aesthetic operation?

The first few weeks of the surgery the area suffers from hematomas due to the small bleeding caused by the cannula during the procedure, and will also tend to swell in the first few months. Do not worry, it is normal that these edema persist for some time, it is in the natural order of things.

Resumption of work and daily activities is usually done within 48 hours with local anesthesia, but requires a longer time under general anesthesia. Sport is possible after a month. Local anaesthesia is also less painful. You can start to appreciate the results after 1 month and a half, get a much more precise idea of your figure after 3 months but the final result appears only from 6 months.

It is of course difficult to cover this topic in full in this article so if you have a testimony, a question or an experience on the subject leave us a comment to share with other readers!

Which post-operative bra to choose after an operation?

After each breast operation, such as the now common breast augmentation or reduction, it is essential to wear a post-operative bra. Quite simply a bra that benefits from greater compression than a classic underwear and which thus ensures firm support for the breasts. Quite simply ? Well, no, because most women who have had breast surgery will tell you that a large number of models are simply not suitable or comfortable.

However, during the period following the operation, this area of ​​the body is particularly sensitive and deserves all the attention: it needs to be taken even more care of! So what are the features to check first to ensure that your compression bra will be suitable and of quality, what differentiates it from an ordinary bra?

What are the specificities of a good post-operative bra?

By simplifying, we can consider that a good post-surgical bra is a bra that will fulfill its medical role while being comfortable.

Above all, it must provide firm and effective restraint. This must be guaranteed but be done gently: with too pronounced a compressive effect you will be constantly hampered in your movements and will feel a feeling of crushing throughout the day. With a compression that is too tight this time, the breasts will not be sufficiently maintained and the final result may not meet your expectations, in addition to the risk of complications during recovery. Your choice must therefore be on a product that allows you to adjust the contention precisely.

The support must be perfect without excessive compression. You shouldn’t feel like you’re wearing a bra that’s too small because it’s too tight, your breathing is more difficult, it’s preventing you from sleeping or you just can’t wait to take it off. ! This is not normal, the breasts must be properly supported and held in place, but not excessively either.

Obviously after a cosmetic or surgical operation pain appears but the first week you should feel good and be able to go about your business almost normally.

It is essential that the seams are as flat as possible in order to avoid irritation and never placed at the level of the scars. Nothing is more unpleasant than feeling the fabric rubbing the skin with each movement, believe us! Reinforcements are also to be avoided. A quality compression bra should provide a second skin effect and should not become an ordeal due to poorly thought out pressure points. You will wear it regularly, so it is essential to feel good in it.

For obvious reasons, opening and closing should be very easy and done from the front. This will not only make the task of the medical staff easier during the surgery, but especially your daily life when you have to remove it to wash it or clean yourself. Various settings allow you to adjust the support or the height during the recovery period, and to adapt to different morphologies, also represent a big plus.

Since you will wear it day and night, the material used must also let the operated areas breathe while avoiding sweating as much as possible. Avoid rough materials in favor of elastane or its synthetic variant, Lycra.

For the same reason, it must provide a general feeling of comfort, which is too rarely the case: we are in the 21st century and quite capable of making compression bras that are pleasant to wear.

The post-cosmetic surgery period is always stressful, and that’s why every Embody post-surgery bras has been thought through and enhanced to make your life easier. At the same time, we thought that you also wanted to feel beautiful and particular attention was paid to aesthetics with the addition of Calais lace, embroidery and noble materials.

Why is it essential to wear a compression bra after breast surgery?

It is essential that the chest is perfectly maintained so that it does not move at all. Support not only helps contain pain during the recovery period, but also promotes healing by keeping the chest in place. If it moves not only can it hurt you but above all the tissues will not be able to “resorb” properly: healing will take longer and the scars may be more visible at the end of the process.

It also keeps the implants in place even when you make various movements during the day: essential for the shape of your breasts to be flawless at the end of the post-operative period. In the same way, it limits the appearance of edema and swelling, which remain inevitable but can be contained with a suitable bra.

“In conclusion, the post-operative bra improves the final result, reduces pain while accelerating healing and leaving you more free to move. »

How long should the bra be worn after the operation?

This obviously depends on the operation and only your surgeon can recommend the necessary duration that best suits your case, however the recommended period is generally between 4 and 8 weeks after the surgery. This period can sometimes be extended by a few weeks with the wearing of the bra for part of the day (usually at night).

With the agreement of your doctor, you can, after this period, wear ordinary bras in the context of standard activities. On the other hand, it is advisable to put the postoperative bra back on as soon as you practice a more intense physical activity, especially if you practice a sport (the tissues are still fragile and it is advisable to be careful, this especially prevents the prostheses from moving and avoids possible small pains during the exercise).

In summary, what are the points to check to buy a quality post-operative bra?

A firm support of the breasts and an effective and adjustable contention are the main criteria to remember. However, this will not be enough to make you feel comfortable and it is better to opt for a model with adjustable straps to keep the chest straight and at its natural height, an easy front closure, a lightweight material that lets the body breathe, various adjustments that allow the bra to be adjusted during the post-operative period (for example the sliding closure in front, the breast band and the ties on the sides), flat seams and the absence of annoying pressure points, and of course a lasting feeling of comfort.

We are coming to the end of this first part of the dossier on post-operative bras, but it is not over! We answer all your other questions in the second part of the article: 10 tips on compression bras and breast surgery. Do you want to know what clothes you can wear with your new bra, what size to choose, the ideal position for sleeping, when you can return to work or sport? We tell you almost everything.

Bra and breast surgery: 10 essential tips

A breast operation inevitably involves some constraints in the weeks that follow and even if your surgeon will follow you for several months, the questions jostle before and after the intervention.

Here are our tips and recommendations on the period following breast surgery and the compression bras that go with it.

How long after the operation can you go back to sleep on your side or on your stomach?

At the beginning you will have to sleep on your back, a position which is not natural for everyone unfortunately but you will not have the choice because the first weeks the chest is a little painful when you put pressure on it, and it is preferable to avoid compressing it excessively. The back is therefore the ideal position to promote healing and maintain the natural shape of the breasts. After 3-4 weeks, however, the breasts will soften and become less sensitive, you can begin to return to your usual sleeping position.

However, it is not recommended for certain types of operations to sleep on your stomach before 6 weeks. Little tip, when you are on your back, don’t hesitate to wedge a pillow under your kidneys the first nights to make it easier to fall asleep and when you fall on your side the following weeks, this time wedge the pillow under your breasts to limit the support of the mattress on the chest. You can also put yourself against a bolster, unfolded along the body, to turn you slightly but avoid turning you completely.

When can you return to work after breast surgery?

The first days after the operation are in most cases painful and it is difficult even to raise your arms to iron, cook or wash your hair. Rest is anyway prescribed by the doctor and it will take 7 to 10 days to return to work, even for a classic office position.

Some resume after 4 days but it seems a little premature especially since the first nights are often more difficult and the lack of sleep is felt. For the same reasons do not plan to take the car before 1 week or 10 days: it would not only be dangerous but also not recommended from a medical point of view.


Are there several models of post-operative bras?

Due to the medical constraints associated with this type of underwear, the styles of bras for breast surgery are of course more limited: there is no question of opting for a push-up, balconette or half cup bra which could harm to the natural placement of the breasts. It must necessarily be very enveloping, well maintained and devoid of reinforcements or potentially harmful reinforcements.

But out of the question to be satisfied with a “potato bag” because it is particularly in this kind of circumstances that we like to feel elegant. Fortunately, there are now a variety of models adapted to each style: modern and trendy, sporty, glamorous, sensual and refined, embroidered or adorned with fine lace… it’s up to you to choose your style.

What size compression bra should I choose?

It is your surgeon who will advise you on the most suitable size for your morphology. Be aware that when you give up the post-operative bra at the end of the convalescence period, your chest will always be a little more swollen and will lose volume slightly in the weeks that follow (the final size only stabilizes after 6 about months). I therefore advise you to wait a little longer before redoing your new wardrobe and not to rob the shops 1 month after the operation. Underwires and push-ups are also not recommended for the first few months, just be patient…

In case of breast augmentation here is a little guideline which is there for information only, but do not forget that each case is specific and that the opinion of your doctor takes precedence above all. For prostheses smaller than 250cc you normally increase by one cup, between 250 and 350cc it is a cup and a half or two additional cups that you should aim for. From 350 to 450cc you increase more by one size and two and a half cups, while above 450cc you probably reach two sizes and three cups. In the following article you will find many explanations on breast prostheses and the possible choices.

What material should be favored for a compression bra?

Anti-bacterial and breathable materials, which dry quickly, promote healing, and allow perspiration to escape. Elastane and Lycra fibres, made of synthetic elastane, are to be preferred for their qualities, which are particularly suitable for post-operative care.

How to maintain your bra to keep its compressive qualities?

You can wash it in the machine like an ordinary underwear and there are no special precautions to follow except, of course, to follow the instructions on the label. The best models benefit from quick drying thanks to the material used, which is the case of the Embody collection: very practical if you keep it in the shower or when you take it off for an hour to wash it.

It is recommended to wash your bra regularly, which poses no medical concern as long as you put it back on as soon as it is dry. The Embody collection has a detachable breast band which is also machine-safe and the magnets hold up well in the wash.

What clothes can you wear with this type of underwear?

Good news you can keep your current wardrobe during the post-operative period. One could imagine that loose clothes are to be preferred in this kind of situation but not even, you will be able to keep your usual style: sweater, t-shirt, sweater, blouse, there are no restrictions from the moment the garment you wear does not crush the chest. And even consider a first neckline if you feel like it.

Can you do sports after an aesthetic or restorative breast operation?

Any physical exercise is prohibited during the postoperative period until your surgeon has given you permission (generally at least 1 month) so as not to move the prostheses and promote healing. Consequently, do not plan to resume a sports activity several weeks after the surgery and, even after this time, it will be preferable to keep a very good sports bra during exercise, or, better, your bra for breast surgery.

In addition, it is generally strongly discouraged to practice a sport that puts too much strain on the pectorals during the 3 months following the operation, in particular if you benefit from a breast augmentation with a prosthesis placed behind the muscle.

If you want to stay in shape, favor gentle activities such as walking or cycling for example (at a very moderate pace), abs or leg work but avoid running, horse riding, golf, tennis, dancing , football, combat sports…


Can your post-operative bra be reimbursed by social security?

The prostheses or the operation can be partially covered in certain cases such as breast cancer or to reduce a breast that is too large, but compression bras are not. In the context of cosmetic surgery, on the other hand, do not expect any reimbursement, nevertheless some mutuals may accept it, so do not hesitate to inquire with yours to check whether this is the case or not.

Can you fly after breast surgery?

Yes, contrary to what we can sometimes read, the pressure variation does not pose a problem even if you have been fitted with a prosthesis. That said, it is preferable to stay on site for several days, available to the surgeon, in the event of any postoperative complications.

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Cosmetic and restorative surgery : differences and advice

Plastic surgery includes both cosmetic and restorative surgery. While the former aims to make it more beautiful (to bring a comfort more psychological than medical, such as an increase of the chest or liposuction), the latter will rather be used to repair a defect or pathology (reconstruction of the breasts after a mastectomy, abdominoplasty.), we also speak of reconstructive surgery. Since it aims directly at improving the patient’s health, it will be easier for the Social Security.


Plastic surgery: is it painful?

During plastic surgery, the patient is under anesthesia, local or general (in most cases it will be a general anesthesia followed by several days of hospitalization). If your procedure is minor, you will only be anesthetized locally.

In both cases, the procedure is completely painless; the anesthesiologist is able to best assess the type of anaesthesia to give you according to your physical parameters and the pain potentially generated by the procedure.

Yeah, but after the surgery?

Anesthesia only during the time of the surgical procedure, it is not uncommon to see pain and discomfort appear afterwards. The patient is closely monitored by his surgeon the days following the operation and is subjected to painkillers, but the fact remains that hematomas and genes can persist, especially in the case of chest and buttock procedures.

As part of a chest increase or reduction, for example, the pain mainly manifests in the first days and fades after a week. They are usually localized in the scars and are often accompanied by increased sensitivity in the areola and nipple. It can be difficult to raise your arms for a period of time, especially during an axial operation.

After the first week, this sensation gives way to a feeling of discomfort that lasts from 4 to 8 weeks depending on the procedures.

To meet this need, Embody launched its line of post-operative lingerie. Not only will Embody lingerie bring you glamour and elegance but it will also ensure comfort, lightness and softness through a wide selection of bras suitable for breast surgery.


Cosmetic surgery also has a psychological impact

Cosmetic surgery aims to correct the external appearance of the body and erase the patient’s complexes.

Studies have shown that the morale of people who have undergone aesthetic intervention improves, thanks to increased self-esteem and seduction capital. Some have seen dramatic results in their social behaviour, morale, work motivation, love life or social relationships. In a general way an aesthetic operation brings the patient well-being and psychological comfort since it aims to suppress a complex that prevented him from fully developing.

However, we must not underestimate or embellish the psychological consequences of a cosmetic surgery because it irremediably transforms your body; that is why several consultations are planned before any intervention.

These consultations allow the surgeon to detail the different stages of the operation as well as the risks involved but also to assess the patient’s motivations and psychological background. Moreover, at the end of these consultations, a period of reflection is always imposed on the latter. The impact on everyday life can be significant: an intervention of this type must never be decided on a whim and it is important to understand that it is a more or less final decision.


How do you choose your plastic surgeon?

Before any consultation, be sure to check the reliability of your surgeon; he must be included in the list of practitioners recognized by the medical association.

It is also good to pay close attention to the surgeon’s word of mouth and reputation.

Beware of professionals with too low prices; do not lose sight of the fact that this is an important surgical procedure that will definitely transform you; it is better not to cut back on the price than to have bad surprises afterwards.

It must be borne in mind that it involves many costs, which are incompressible, hence the improbability of providing a qualitative service at low prices.

A good surgeon will be transparent about his fee schedule.

And don’t get upset if the surgeon can’t – or wants – to satisfy all your demands; honesty is often synonymous with professionalism. A good surgeon will always act in YOUR interest and not in his own; instead, he will advise you to have fewer, fewer and less expensive procedures if he considers it preferable.

Also, do not be surprised if the user asks you rather personal questions; he will need to collect a lot of personal data in order to evaluate the reliability of the intervention.

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