Why is it necessary to wear a restraining panty after the operation?

Why is it necessary to wear a restraining panty after the operation?

During liposuction, abdominoplasty or certain surgical procedures the surgeon frequently recommends wearing a post-operative panty during the weeks following the procedure. These operations are now «banal» and very well mastered by surgeons (liposuction is the most performed cosmetic surgery operation in France after breast augmentation) However, they are inevitably accompanied by small inconveniences during the post-operative period and require a minimum of precautions to be observed.

As the surgeon will explain, the restraining panty, or the sheath in the most localized operations, will serve to perfect the results and limit these inconveniences, but more concretely what exactly is it used for and why is it important to wear it?

In which cases is the panty recommended?

This underwear is regularly recommended in case of liposuction of the belly, hips, thighs and buttocks, for an abdominoplasty, or more generally a surgical operation of these areas as well as knees and calves. It plays essentially a compressive role, but also the protection of the operating area and drainage.

What is the purpose of the compression panty after liposuction or abdominoplasty?

» Reduces edema and swelling after surgery. In the weeks following the procedure, the aspirated fat is naturally replaced by body water to form edema. The operated area thus tends to swell (which is perfectly normal) and the phenomenon even frequently tends to extend to the surrounding body areas. The panty will therefore contain edema and limit swelling thanks to the compression it exerts on the body.

» Similarly, bruising (that is, bruising) is common, as is sometimes a hematoma for 3 weeks or 1 month after surgery. The compression maintained by the post-operative panty will also protect and limit the progression of these bruises on the body.

» To introduce the small cannula that will suck up fat, the surgeon will have to make a small scar of about 2 to 4 mm, usually in an area of the body that is not very visible. This time, the panty protects the scar and facilitates the accommodation of the skin tissue, that is, its healing.

» Compression also plays an analgesic role by keeping the operating area firmly in place, reducing pain.

» Finally, it keeps the operating area compressed uniformly, with a draining effect of blood and fluids, which promotes an optimum result.

To summarize, surgeons agree that the restraint panty will facilitate the surgical follow-up by reducing pain and acting effectively to improve the end result. It is of course above all the dexterity of the surgeon and his experience that guarantee success but the underwear comes in some way to complete his intervention during the post-operative period and perfect the sequel to put all the chances on his side. As part of an abdominoplasty, an abdominal compression sheath will bring the same effects more locally.

How long do you have to wear it?

From 3 weeks to 1 month after liposuction. The first two days you will have to keep it on yourself while taking your shower (a hair dryer will speed up the drying) then you can remove it 1 hour a day the time to wash and clean it at the same time. This is the usual practice and there is no contraindication to remove it during this period of time each day.

In the case of abdominoplasty, wearing the compressive sheath is recommended for 3 weeks, and up to 6 weeks for muscle repair.

How to choose your panty?

The contenseur effect it exerts is probably the most important element so it is essential to choose a suitable size: it is normal that you feel tight when wearing it, it is moreover the objective sought (see the next paragraph). However, since you are going to wear it constantly it is also necessary to have the maximum comfort and for this purpose a model based on elastane fabric or its equivalent Lycra is a real plus because of the elasticity and lightness they provide.

Also make sure that the straps are adjustable so that it fits perfectly to your morphology and that the opening/closing is easily done on the side. Finally, it should not create a striction in the knees, that is to say provide a feeling of excessive tightness that could ligate the area and hinder the blood circulation.

What size post-op panty to choose?

After the surgery, the panty is supposed to have a compressive effect that keeps the area operated so do not take a cut too wide. Too narrow, it will hinder your movements and block breathing. So simply opt for your usual size as the effects of liposuction are not visible immediately after the procedure, so there is no risk of swimming in your new underwear.

It is nevertheless preferable to take your exact measurements to choose the model that best fits your morphology, here is a guide of the sizes to help you choose the model that suits you:

Take the measurements at the widest point of each area of your body and if you are hesitant between two sizes, prefer the smallest: despite the swelling inherent in this operation in the following weeks, Your figure will be slightly refined after the operation and it is imperative that the compression is effective.

Is he reimbursed by social security?

It is rarely reimbursed since liposuction and abdominoplasty are cosmetic surgery. However, if the operation you are considering is more a matter of restorative surgery, social security can cover part of the costs as well as the restraining underwear if it is prescribed by your surgeon as part of his surgery. Attention, to be refunded the garment you buy must be registered on the LPP list, as is the case for example for the Embody body.

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